
The Distortion of Truth

Christians are not bigots. Maybe you disagree. That’s o.k. Intellectual laziness, but o.k. There are a lot of reasons why people have that misconception. There are some who have just enough understanding of what Christians believe to assume they can fill in the blanks. Some watched a program on the “lost gospels” or read the “Da Vinci Code” and now think the Bible is just a collection of writings from Bronze Age ignorami that was conspiratorially edited by that nefarious Catholic Church in the Middle Ages. There are others who were raised in a church that didn’t understand historical, orthodox Christianity, or who had friends who called themselves Christians but clearly didn’t understand either. If you're one of the above, take a moment and be enlightened. The Bible teaches (and Christians believe) that the world we live in is grossly disfigured. That man was originally created for a life without death, suffering, sickness, crime, and loss, but that because we rebelled against